Featured Spring 2020 Work
Spring 2020 Capstone Exhibition
Every semester, the Department of Art and Design offers an upper-level Capstone course as part of the BA or BFA degrees. The course gives students experience in marketing themselves as artists and designers through mock interviews and resume and portfolio development, and defining their place in the art world.
About The Capstone Students

Jordan Armijo
BA Studio Art
Classically trained as an artist and graphic design major Jordan Rae Armijo has been featured in past student shows for the Wingate Center of Art and Design for two years and the student competition for traditional photography and sculptural design. Her work in printmaking and explorations of other media have been featured on the center’s Instagram page. She will graduate this spring with a Bachelor’s of Art’s emphasis in Digital Media.
Artist Statement:
An anatomical study of various human appendages, and maintenance of accurate proportions. This series prints were based off of early medical illustration. The color scheme is a monochromatic scheme; a reference to early medical teaching tools. The sculpture was started off by creating and studying a human skull to keep the facial structure of the subject in proper relation to the anatomy it is built upon. These concepts harken back to the basics of illustration and give emphasis to learning the foundation before creating the final body work.

Anna Culpepper
BFA in Photography
Anna is a BFA Photography student at UA Little Rock. Ever since she was a young girl, she loved snapping pictures of the beautiful moments around her. Growing up shy and quiet, the camera acted as a megaphone to project her voice so she could be heard. She hopes you enjoy these photographs as they are a part of her reoccurring series of ethereal beauty.
Artist Statement
Anna’s photographs talk about surreal dreamscapes and body image depicting the female figure as the main subject. Her work explores themes of femininity, self-confidence, and sexuality with important symbolism such as water, fabric, antlers, and other natural elements from mother nature. She wishes to empower other females within her body of work as well.

Ryan Farmer
BA Studio Art
Ryan is an artist focused primarily on 2D drawing elements that are oriented towards giving his audience a window to narratives. Whether the narrative is something of his own design or someone elses he conveys the morals and meanings through the medium of pencil and pen.
Artist Statement
The purpose of most of these works is to show a visual theme within the context and environment of the roleplaying game world that it is based on. There is a strong emphasis on the narrative in these works since RPG’s strongest factors are its story element. It is pencil and pen crosshatch work that is loosely inspired by the cinema Noir style.

Megan Hall
BA Studio Art
Megan Hall was born and raised in Little Rock, Arkansas. She am 20 years old and will be graduating from UA Little Rock this May. She started painting when she was little and as she got older she added photography and Graphic Design. She plans on going into a career creating yearbooks and then hopefully on to being a freelance creative!
Artist Statement
Creative who focuses on many aspects of art such as photography, painting, and graphic design. She is influenced and inspired by young female artists who use bright and bold colors like Carly Wiggers, Juliana Lupacchino, Ashley Mary, and Holly Bamgartl Kristoff. She likes to take photographs that are full of color and life. Her paintings show a focus on hand lettered designs and are created to client specifications. Her graphic works allow her to shift toward bold and colorful designs with a clean and rigid aesthetic.

Spenser Jacob
BFA in Illustration
Spenser Jacob is an artist living in Little Rock, Arkansas. He was raised in a remote rural town and began drawing early on to entertain himself during his isolated childhood.
Artist Statement
He is especially interested in the inner lives of other people. He has struggled to understand the thoughts and feelings of others his entire life. This piece depicts someone who has struggled with the same problem, his red hands signifying the vain attempt to enter the mind of someone else, his gaze lowered in sober resignation.

Terry Julian
BFA in Graphic Design
Terry Julian is an artist with 5+ years of graphic design background. She performs best in cases where she can ideate concepts for brand identity, media projects, and art editing.
Artist Statement
Each project of hers is unique to itself, without much of a specific theme across a selection. Each may portray a new message or even a new brand. She performs best in cases where she ideates concepts for brand identity, media projects, and art editing.

Gwen Kudabeck
BFA in Photography
Gwen Kudabeck spends most of her time in her hometown of Hot Springs, Arkansas. She loves being in nature, local history, and adopting old cameras.
Artist Statement
Gwen often examines the connections between identity, social relationships, memory, time, and location. She thinks of her work as a collection of snapshots and scenes that communicate a larger narrative of the people and places that symbolize the idea of home to her.

Chassidy Siratt
BFA in Photography
Chassidy Siratt works in charcoal, digital media, and alternative methods photography. Her work deals primarily with family, memory, and loss. She graduates this spring and begins graduate study this fall.
Artist Statement
Identity is tied closely to our memories. Many memories do not come with conscious recall, but surface when we see a particular image, catch a certain smell, or hear a snatch of music. In this way, identity is pieced together from fragments of memory to make us whole.

Jie Zhu
BFA in Photography
Jie is a contemporary photographer who likes to explore the traditional side of photography and details in our mundane life.
Artist Statement
The work is a part of a series about traces of people. Everyone has a routined pattern they perform on a daily basis, we leave traces of ourselves behind while performing those tasks. It is intriguing to have an inside view of people’s environment and the traces they leave behind.